What are dental implants?

Tooth loss is a frequent oral issue and lots of people suffer from it. Dental implants are considered to be the top treatment to replace a missing tooth or teeth. If your dentist has told you you will be needing implants for teeth, you must have a ton of questions running through your mind. First, what are dental implants? What does the dental implant procedure mean? Are they permanent dental implants? To know all about dental implants, read on! We tell you everything in the article below.

What are dental implants?

The dental implant definition is simple: they are a tooth root replacement made of metal fixtures. Dental implants are surgically secured on your jawbone below the gums. When the bone fuses to the metal fixture, the tooth implant becomes attached to your bone and an artificial tooth or crown is then set on top of it. This process will replace your missing tooth and act as a natural, secure, and long-term alternative (how long do dental implants last), leaving you at ease to eat and speak properly. Dental implants certainly cost more than other treatments (how much are dental implants), but it is possible to have the procedure covered by insurance (read all about it here - how to get dental implants covered by insurance).

How does a dental implant work?

To get an implant tooth, tooth roots made from titanium are carefully placed into the jawbone. That is the first step that is meant to support the artificial teeth that will be placed next. Dental implants will go through a process called osseointegration, which means they will completely integrate with the jawbone. The bone will grow around the titanium root to fix them firmly. After that, the implants can be used to place crowns or bridges on top. One missing tooth or an arch of several missing teeth in a row can be then replaced, and loose dentures can be stabilized.

What are the 3 types of dental implants?

When it comes to long-lasting implants (how long do dental implants last) for teeth, there are 3 common types you can normally choose from. These are the endosteal, subperiosteal, and zygomatic types. We explain everything about each below:

Type 1 - Endosteal

Endosteal implants are the most widely used dental implants. They consist of titanium cylinders (screws) or blades (wide, flat metal) that your dentist inserts into your jawbone during surgery. The osseointegration typically takes 4 to 6 weeks, before your dentist can place the abutment (the connection on which your new teeth will be fixed). Meanwhile, you can still eat and drink normally.

Type 2 - Subperiosteal

The subperiosteal implants are normally recommended by your dentist if your jaw shape or health does not support the insertion of the metal endosteal implants need. Also, if your dentist sees you have bone loss in your jaw, these implants will be most likely recommended. The difference is that the subperiosteal implants will rest on the jawbone and under your gum tissue. Osseointegration will allow them to be fixed on your jawbone with time.  

Type 3 - Zygomatic

When a patient suffers from bone loss, the dentist uses zygomatic implants. These implants ensure there is a strong enough foundation and bond to the bone in the upper jaw.

How long does it take to complete a teeth implant procedure?

In addition to dealing with their cost (dental implants, implants for teeth require patience and several months to be completed. Depending on how many implants you might need, you will need dentist visits, surgery for each implant, and then a waiting time between each step. After placing the titanium implant in your jawbone through surgery, your dentist will place the titanium implant in your jawbone, right below the gums. This surgery usually takes about 1-2 hours for each implant to be placed. After that, the waiting time before replacing your missing tooth is approximately 3 months.

How effective are permanent dental implants?

Permanent dental implants are considered to have the highest effectiveness rate, especially compared to dentures and bridges. Dental implants are long-lasting and natural (how long do dental plants last). Their success rate has been reported to be up to 98%.

Final Points about what are dental implants

Before you decide to go through the procedure of dental implants, it is important to know what is a dental implant, how effective it is, and what are the different types of implants. Depending on your issue, the number of implants you need, and the condition of your jawbone, the procedure might differ for each patient. You can also click here to know all about dental implants: how much are dental implants, how to get them covered by insurance ,  and how long do dental implants last.


Are dental implants painful?

Yes, for at least the first week. For a patient with a healthy jawbone and a straightforward dental implant, over-the-counter medication like Tylenol or Advil will ease the pain.

What are the best dental implants you can get?

Titanium would be the best dental implant material you can get. Because they are biocompatible, they match the human body closely, allowing it to fuse with the jawbone.

What is the downside of dental implants?

The biggest downside of dental implants is their cost. Also, there is a very small chance that it won’t be successful and cause infection. However, the success rate of dental implants is up to 98%.

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